Sunday, May 31, 2020

I cherished Barnard Castle as a hidden gem before Dominic Cummings ruined it

News of his visit to the town has led to a soaring number of inquiries about short stays, much to my annoyance

Like many people, I’m still enraged by the exploits of the prime minister’s adviser, Dominic Cummings, and those who seek to protect him. But alas, my ire is additionally tinged with my strongly proprietorial feelings about Barnard Castle, where he travelled to in order to test his eyesight. Naturally, I’m well aware that several thousand people live in Barnard Castle; I’ve seen, too, the crowd that gathers at the Bowes Museum to watch the glorious Silver Swan – an automaton much admired by Mark Twain when he saw it at the 1867 Paris exhibition – dive for fish. Nevertheless, I’ve always clung to the illusion that the town is my secret. Reading in the Northern Echo that inquiries about short stays in the area were up by 160%, my heart sank faster than Boris Johnson’s ratings

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from Property | The Guardian

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