Saturday, May 30, 2020

Cabin fever: why people are going wild for custom garden rooms

A colourful, cosy cabin at the end of the garden is a perfect way to get some more space – or getaway from it all

When Virginia Woolf extolled the virtues of having “a room of one’s own” she might have been referring to a cabin in the garden. For anyone who’s had to work from home recently, and is in possession of a patch of outside, a garden getaway where you can labour, undisturbed by cats padding across keyboards or the tug of a toddler’s hand during a conference call, has taken on a new appeal.

But a garden room needn’t just be for work. Thanks to wireless technology and efficient insulation, today’s 21st-century cabins are multi-tasking boltholes. In need of a meditation space, a studio, a guest room or cocktail lounge? The cabin can accommodate every whim.

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from Home And Garden | The Guardian

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