Saturday, August 15, 2020

How to grow dahlia cultivars

Dahlias breed unpredictable colours, but their seeds flower in their first year – and the tubers liven up soups and salads

With many supermarket dahlia tubers, you are taking a leap of faith that the image on the packet matches the contents. My Lidl purchases this spring have turned out a tad more acid-coloured than the picture suggests (but they are enjoying this summer and flowering their socks off).

One way to get round this, if you’ve grown dahlias this year, is to save some of the seed to grow next year. The mantra with dahlias is to endlessly deadhead to keep them flowering. It’s easy enough to spot the spent flower buds, which are pointy, from the unopened ones, which are blunt. So from the end of this month, you could leave a few spent heads to set to seed.

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from Property | The Guardian

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