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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Most ingredients are in place for a property crash later this year | Larry Elliott

Rising unemployment is toxic for the property market and low interest rates may not be enough

This weekend marks the start of a truncated summer house buying season, the moment the residential property market comes out of hibernation.

Normally this happens at easter but, for obvious reasons, that has not been possible in 2020. Estate agents have been shuttered along with almost every other business, waiting impatiently for the lifting of the lockdown. This bank holiday weekend, with fine weather forecast, provides a chance to make up for lost time.

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from Property | The Guardian

Enjoy the great outdoors – from the inside

You don’t have to leave your home to enjoy the magic of nature

As a botanist, I am fascinated by the growing body of scientific evidence of the powerful and positive impact that simply being around plants can have on mental and physical health. From reducing healing times in hospitals to helping control pain and anxiety, spending time in nature can constitute an important therapeutic tool for many people, especially in the current situation.

However, amid continuing lockdown, for many of us escaping on a forest walk or to a country park is difficult to achieve. For city flat dwellers like me, getting time with nature can be even tougher, just when we need it the most. So here are three simple ways in which anyone can benefit from the great outdoors, without needing to leave your front door.

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from Property | The Guardian

Enjoy the great outdoors – from the inside

You don’t have to leave your home to enjoy the magic of nature

As a botanist, I am fascinated by the growing body of scientific evidence of the powerful and positive impact that simply being around plants can have on mental and physical health. From reducing healing times in hospitals to helping control pain and anxiety, spending time in nature can constitute an important therapeutic tool for many people, especially in the current situation.

However, amid continuing lockdown, for many of us escaping on a forest walk or to a country park is difficult to achieve. For city flat dwellers like me, getting time with nature can be even tougher, just when we need it the most. So here are three simple ways in which anyone can benefit from the great outdoors, without needing to leave your front door.

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from Home And Garden | The Guardian

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Spuds you’ll like: the first earlies are nearly ready

The big taste of British summer starts with a bowl of small potatoes

Our potatoes are growing, purple and metal-green leaf covered over in the trench where magic happens. It won’t be long now. A couple of weeks or so until our primal root crop is ready. Literal buried treasure, unearthing memories of childhood summers and dinner.

Alongside fresh-picked peas and corn, potatoes are maybe the best test of the homegrown veg, eaten on the same day as cropping if possible, still tasting sweet of the soil. Every year as December ends, my thoughts turn to what varieties we might grow, where we will get them and when. I will try to wait for a potato fair, but they are often later than I like.

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from Property | The Guardian

Spuds you’ll like: the first earlies are nearly ready

The big taste of British summer starts with a bowl of small potatoes

Our potatoes are growing, purple and metal-green leaf covered over in the trench where magic happens. It won’t be long now. A couple of weeks or so until our primal root crop is ready. Literal buried treasure, unearthing memories of childhood summers and dinner.

Alongside fresh-picked peas and corn, potatoes are maybe the best test of the homegrown veg, eaten on the same day as cropping if possible, still tasting sweet of the soil. Every year as December ends, my thoughts turn to what varieties we might grow, where we will get them and when. I will try to wait for a potato fair, but they are often later than I like.

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from Home And Garden | The Guardian

A guide to buying land: 10 top tips Nottingham Estate Agents

Buying land can be far more romantic than buying bricks and mortar. You feel as if you are acquiring your very own share, however small, of Planet Earth. And although there are a few pitfalls, purchasing land is generally simpler than purchasing property. It can also, potentially, be just as lucrative. If you’re a first […]

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