Saturday, May 18, 2019

How to reuse old compost | Alys Fowler

If you can happily dig around in it, go ahead and recycle it for another planting

It’s time to attend to the pots in your life, particularly those that contain half-dead (or completely dead) remains.

It is entirely possible to reuse old compost: the books tell you not to, but they are assuming you have money to spare/a car/easy access to a garden centre. Certainly, if the plant died from disease or soil pests such as vine weevil, then the compost is best sent elsewhere. But if it just looks very tired, use it as mulch. Bang out the compost from around the roots and use this on top of other pots or plants in the garden. It’s not going to have a great nutrient content, but it will suppress a few weeds and lock in moisture.

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from Home And Garden | The Guardian

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