Monday, April 15, 2019

Sam’s 5 Dos and Don’ts of Moving with Children

Moving with children can be a very stressful time.  Trying to allow for their schedules, needs and energy levels can be a huge drain on your own time and energy while at the same time, trying to move home – something most of us only do a handful of times in a lifetime!

Having moved so many times that I’ve actually lost count, and the last 17 with three children, I thought I’d share with you here my own personal dos and don’ts so you can learn by my mistakes!

Do involve children in the move by getting them to pack and label their own possessions.  Turn it into a game and make it a positive, fun experience.

Don’t rush them into ‘loving’ their new home and life.  The move wasn’t their idea and they may not have known about your decision until it was all cut and dried!  Give them time to get used to it, and before long, their old home will be a distant, if affectionate, memory.

Do create a countdown chart on the wall. Make it colourful and fun, and encourage them to cross off the days as you get closer to moving day.

Don’t forget that young children get tired and whiny easily and when you’re stressed out on moving day, your patience may fray! Consider roping in family and friends to look after them, and give yourself the chance to focus on the move without distraction.

Do have children pack their most special items in a small case that travels with you in the car.  You really don’t want to be opening boxes at midnight when you’re tired to look for their cuddly toy, blanket or other favourite thing.  Having their familiar possessions around them will also help them feel at home more quickly and give you all the peaceful night’s sleep you need.

I’d love to hear any of your own moving tips – with children or otherwise! Leave me a comment.

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Moving - center table with magazines and flowers

What to read next:  Are you Ready to Move On?

What to do next:  Sign up to my Selling Secrets

The post Sam’s 5 Dos and Don’ts of Moving with Children appeared first on Home Truths.

from Home Truths

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