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Sunday, July 26, 2020

I'm putting up half the cash for a house – what should I get if we sell?

My partner is paying with part savings, part mortgage and he will deal with the bills

Q My partner and I are buying a house costing £385,000.

I will be contributing half the price in cash while my partner will pay for the other half with £22,500 in savings and a mortgage of £170,000 which he will repay. I no longer work outside the home as we have two children so my partner pays all the bills and he also intends to pay for decorating the house.

I want the deed to say that, if we were to split up and sell the house, I would get my £192,500 back and he would get whatever was left after paying off the mortgage. But he is saying that because I will be contributing nothing to paying for the house, the split should be different even though I own half the property and would pay half of the cost of anything that needed doing such as an extension or new windows and doors. Am I being unfair?

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from Property | The Guardian

Rental contracts: Top tips before you sign on the dotted line Nottingham Estate Agents

You’ve found somewhere to rent. You’re already thinking about the curtains. But before you get carried away, there’s the small matter of your tenancy agreement. As estate agent Savills says: “No matter how keen you are to find a rental property, you should never rush into a tenancy without knowing your rights and responsibilities, as […]

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My brother and I tried to break into a botanical garden – and memories of my father rushed back | Zoe Williams

Our attempt at illicit entry failed, but my brother blagged free entry from some people in the queue. In that moment, he reminded me more than ever of our dad

Gardeners are incredibly good at getting their point across, aren’t they? For weeks, the plight of garden centres was at the forefront of the country’s collective mind. Then, last week, a collective of botanical gardens popped up, pleading with people who had reserved tickets to turn up. They were already on their knees and couldn’t cope with the no-shows. I felt a bolt of shame on hearing this, as just the day before I had tried to break into a botanical garden with one of my brothers. (It sounds worse than it was: we didn’t take bolt cutters or anything.)

The brother in question met our father, and the rest of us, when he was 28 (I was 30). Then, 18 months later, our dad died, which felt more than unjust to the pair of them; it had that sour taste of the universe cocking up. They deserved more time together. But, from a selfish point of view, you know when a family suffers a terrible loss and they get a cat, and they somehow get it into their heads that it is inhabited by the spirit of their lost loved one and get solace from it? It was like that, except real, which is to say not a cat.

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from Home And Garden | The Guardian

My brother and I tried to break into a botanical garden – and memories of my father rushed back | Zoe Williams

Our attempt at illicit entry failed, but my brother blagged free entry from some people in the queue. In that moment, he reminded me more than ever of our dad

Gardeners are incredibly good at getting their point across, aren’t they? For weeks, the plight of garden centres was at the forefront of the country’s collective mind. Then, last week, a collective of botanical gardens popped up, pleading with people who had reserved tickets to turn up. They were already on their knees and couldn’t cope with the no-shows. I felt a bolt of shame on hearing this, as just the day before I had tried to break into a botanical garden with one of my brothers. (It sounds worse than it was: we didn’t take bolt cutters or anything.)

The brother in question met our father, and the rest of us, when he was 28 (I was 30). Then, 18 months later, our dad died, which felt more than unjust to the pair of them; it had that sour taste of the universe cocking up. They deserved more time together. But, from a selfish point of view, you know when a family suffers a terrible loss and they get a cat, and they somehow get it into their heads that it is inhabited by the spirit of their lost loved one and get solace from it? It was like that, except real, which is to say not a cat.

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from Property | The Guardian

Be wary of gardening gimmicks that look too good

Grafted tomato-potato plants? Sounds smart, but the yield will probably be terrible

It might be an embarrassing thing for a plant scientist to admit, but I am a total sucker for a garden gimmick. I like to think it’s because I am open-minded or maybe just irrationally optimistic, particularly as many things in the plant world are often extremely counterintuitive. But I am not ashamed to say I have fallen for dozens of them over a lifetime in horticulture. While I firmly believe in the value of trying things out for yourself, if you don’t fancy learning the hard way, here are some of the most common garden gimmicks I have come across.

There's a lot of dodgy marketing imagery out there, I’ve seen roses Photoshopped sky blue

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from Home And Garden | The Guardian

Be wary of gardening gimmicks that look too good

Grafted tomato-potato plants? Sounds smart, but the yield will probably be terrible

It might be an embarrassing thing for a plant scientist to admit, but I am a total sucker for a garden gimmick. I like to think it’s because I am open-minded or maybe just irrationally optimistic, particularly as many things in the plant world are often extremely counterintuitive. But I am not ashamed to say I have fallen for dozens of them over a lifetime in horticulture. While I firmly believe in the value of trying things out for yourself, if you don’t fancy learning the hard way, here are some of the most common garden gimmicks I have come across.

There's a lot of dodgy marketing imagery out there, I’ve seen roses Photoshopped sky blue

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from Property | The Guardian