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Sunday, January 26, 2020

If I sell a buy-to-let property and buy another, can I defer CGT?

A landlord appears to be hoping he can claim business asset roll-over relief to delay paying tax

Q If I sell a buy-to-let property and immediately use proceeds to buy another, is the payment of capital gains tax deferred?

A Short answer: no. You are clearly hoping that selling a buy-to-let property and buying another would make you eligible to claim business asset roll-over relief but it doesn’t. Roll-over relief lets you put off paying any capital gains tax (CGT) due on the gain from the sale of a business asset until you sell the business asset that you bought to replace it but only – among other things – if you are trading. And HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) doesn’t consider investing in a buy-to-let property as trading.

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from Property | The Guardian

How to live off the grid: 8 things to consider for off-grid living Nottingham Estate Agents

Living off the grid, that great dream of self-sufficiency which burns strongly in many people seems to be coming back into vogue.  Why be reliant on state-run utilities for water and electricity when, with a bit of effort, you can generate your own? Why drive to a supermarket to buy food that has been transported […]

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Derek Jarman’s house provides a rare space for queer history. We must save it | Luke Turner

There are few public buildings in the UK that celebrate LGBTQ+ culture. Preserving Prospect Cottage in Kent would do that

In 1992 Derek Jarman, seriously ill with HIV, was asked what his memorial might be. “Oh, nothing,” he replied, “because film disappears, thank God.” It might seem strange to think of Jarman’s joy in the transience of his art in the context of a recently launched Art Fund campaign to raise £3.5m in 10 weeks to purchase and save Prospect Cottage, his home and workplace in Dungeness, Kent. There’s certainly an irony that more than a quarter of a century after his death an arts body is seeking to raise millions to preserve his house, when during his lifetime he faced a constant battle to finance his films.

Making Prospect Cottage a space to transform lives seems to me to be a wonderful way of furthering Jarman's legacy

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from Property | The Guardian

Derek Jarman’s house provides a rare space for queer history. We must save it | Luke Turner

There are few public buildings in the UK that celebrate LGBTQ+ culture. Preserving Prospect Cottage in Kent would do that

In 1992 Derek Jarman, seriously ill with HIV, was asked what his memorial might be. “Oh, nothing,” he replied, “because film disappears, thank God.” It might seem strange to think of Jarman’s joy in the transience of his art in the context of a recently launched Art Fund campaign to raise £3.5m in 10 weeks to purchase and save Prospect Cottage, his home and workplace in Dungeness, Kent. There’s certainly an irony that more than a quarter of a century after his death an arts body is seeking to raise millions to preserve his house, when during his lifetime he faced a constant battle to finance his films.

Making Prospect Cottage a space to transform lives seems to me to be a wonderful way of furthering Jarman's legacy

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from Home And Garden | The Guardian

How to grow a chilli with your kind of kick

Bring on some warmth by sowing chillis. There are hundreds of varieties and strengths, and decorative ones, too

The first signs of spring might well be weeks, if not months, away, so for those impatient for warmer days ahead there is one summer crop you can get sowing right now: chillies.

Despite having grown up in southeast Asia, where we can eat chillies three times a day, it wasn’t until I moved to the UK that I really became fascinated by the enormous array of weird and wonderful varieties out there, especially from small, indie growers. With literally hundreds of varieties, in an almost infinite variety of flavour, use and spice-level, I believe there must be a chilli for everyone – even people who think they don’t like chillies! So here’s my rundown of niche varieties you will never be able to buy in stores.

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from Home And Garden | The Guardian

How to grow a chilli with your kind of kick

Bring on some warmth by sowing chillis. There are hundreds of varieties and strengths, and decorative ones, too

The first signs of spring might well be weeks, if not months, away, so for those impatient for warmer days ahead there is one summer crop you can get sowing right now: chillies.

Despite having grown up in southeast Asia, where we can eat chillies three times a day, it wasn’t until I moved to the UK that I really became fascinated by the enormous array of weird and wonderful varieties out there, especially from small, indie growers. With literally hundreds of varieties, in an almost infinite variety of flavour, use and spice-level, I believe there must be a chilli for everyone – even people who think they don’t like chillies! So here’s my rundown of niche varieties you will never be able to buy in stores.

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from Property | The Guardian

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Mystery bulbs mean spring will be a bigger surprise

Green shoots, obsessive checking – and the longed-for hope of the first signs of the growing season

I grew up in a magical land of meadow snowdrops, woodland bluebells and hedgerow primroses. There were riverside banks of wild garlic, which I loved for the flowers but was repelled by the smell – it was a sheltered English 60s childhood in very rural Devon.

I guess I have been a bit sniffy about growing bulbs in pots ever since, though it has been many years since we had our own flower garden. Winter pots on the roof terrace were for green leaf, multiple shades and colours of hellebore.

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from Home And Garden | The Guardian