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Saturday, August 25, 2018

How to grow winter brassicas | Alys Fowler

If you have yet to try rapini, broccoli raab or cima di rapa, then I urge you to buy seed immediately

It’s rare that you meet a brassica-stem lover, but for me the centre of any brassica holds the prize every time. Once peeled of its outer skin, the nutty bite of the inside is truly delectable. There may be tomatoes, courgettes and aubergines, but truly August is a brassica month. Cabbages are fattening, cauliflowers are heading up and ready to pick, the kales are looking good and there’s a whole suit of oriental greens, rocket mizuna, pak choi, tatsoi, Chinese cabbage, mustards and the like (for that matter rocket, too) to be sown for winter use. These hot-headed brassicas like to germinate in warm soils and then grow into cool weather, and this is that window. Done the other way around, in spring, say, and they just bolt straight to flowering.

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from Home And Garden | The Guardian

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