Estate Agents In York

Monday, October 26, 2020

Covid drove us to share a home but what are council tax implications?

My partner and I have our own properties but lockdown led to us choosing to stay in one together

Q My partner and I each have a house of our own and while we originally split our time between the two, we gradually started spending a little more time at one rather than the other.

During the coronavirus lockdown we chose to stay in just one house to form a bubble and we currently spend all of our time in one house, with the other left pretty much empty other than when friends or relatives use it now and again.

We are worried about council tax. We both pay single occupancy on our own properties but due to the recent situation we are worried about being “found out” for actually having two of us in one house. If we did pay full council tax for the property we both stay in, what are the implications for the other house (including insurance etc)?

A Judging by what it says in Paying the right level of council tax in England, published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government in May 2019, you are right to be worried about council tax.

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from Property | The Guardian

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Should you extend your home or sell it? Nottingham Estate Agents

You are happy in your home, but for one reason and another, it seems to be getting smaller and smaller. Perhaps your cute toddler has grown into a strapping teenager and acquired a younger brother or sister. Perhaps you have bought so many box sets of Game of Thrones that they take up half the […]

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Don’t worry about Latin names or Victorian rules

No need to listen to too much good advice – just get stuck in and have some fun

To the uninitiated, the world of horticulture can seem like a daunting place, full of unpronounceable Latin names, unfathomably complex pruning rules and the constant fear of killing everything in your care if you deviate even slightly from them. These doubts can serve as a really effective barrier to would-be newbies from experiencing one of the most rewarding, uplifting and therapeutic of arts. But trust me as a botanist when I tell you it simply doesn’t have to be this way.

Religiously adding a layer of crocks to the bottom of pots actually impedes drainage

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from Home And Garden | The Guardian

Don’t worry about Latin names or Victorian rules

No need to listen to too much good advice – just get stuck in and have some fun

To the uninitiated, the world of horticulture can seem like a daunting place, full of unpronounceable Latin names, unfathomably complex pruning rules and the constant fear of killing everything in your care if you deviate even slightly from them. These doubts can serve as a really effective barrier to would-be newbies from experiencing one of the most rewarding, uplifting and therapeutic of arts. But trust me as a botanist when I tell you it simply doesn’t have to be this way.

Religiously adding a layer of crocks to the bottom of pots actually impedes drainage

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from Property | The Guardian

Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Danish plot is all about trees, but it’s hard to resist flowers, too

It’s a simple piece of land by the sea but we wanted to add to the aesthetics

It took us years to add flowers at the Danish plot. An aesthetic thing to some extent. It is, after all, a simple piece of land by the sea, surrounding a black wooden beach hut, or summerhouse as they call them. There were already delicate wild hepatica, clumps of cowslip and campion, and carpets of celandine and cow parsley.

We planted a crimson rugosa, an echo of the beach-side banks that colonise this coast. Next, a pale-blushed clambering rose, an old Danish variety.

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from Home And Garden | The Guardian