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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Bullfinches and robins take back control of our gardens | Brief letters

Martin Kettle’s pandemic prescience | Bullfinches | Robins | PPE | Unusual children’s names

Our garage toilet doubles as a storage place for literature we struggle to throw away – like old issues of the Guardian Weekly. On a whim, at the weekend I tunneled into the pile, and read Martin Kettle’s piece from the edition of 1 June 2018, about the dearth of coverage being given to the 100th anniversary of the Spanish flu. His closing sentence: “If something like that happened in the modern world, our present habit of looking in the other direction would seem a catastrophic act of folly.” Bravo, Martin. And Guardian subscriptions for all our leaders, please.
Chris Clarke
Wellington, New Zealand

• No blossom on the flowering cherry at the edge of our patio, or the amerlanchier, or the damson outside the kitchen window (Carol Ann Duffy leads British poets creating ‘living record’ of coronavirus, 20 April). The predator? Not a dreadful virus but five bright bullfinches pulling off the buds to get to the grubs beneath. But what a bright and cheerful display!
Bill Messer
Pontrhydfendigaid, Ceredigion

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from Property | The Guardian

Tenants told to use lunch and holiday savings to pay full rent

London agent for billionaire landlord turns down residents’ request for coronavirus relief

Tenants who asked their billionaire landlord for a rent reduction during the coronavirus pandemic were told to use the money they would have spent on lunches and holidays to pay the full amount due.

More than 100 residents living in a block in Somerford Grove, east London, signed a letter addressed to their management estate agency and the building’s corporate landlords asking for a 20% reduction in rent and an agreement that no tenant would be evicted during the coronavirus pandemic.

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from Property | The Guardian

Is the housing market in lockdown? Sign up to our live Q&A

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Craving a garden right now? You’re not the only one

Find out why.

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Monday, April 20, 2020

Coronavirus: Everything you need to know if you’re a buy-to-let landlord Nottingham Estate Agents

Coronavirus is having a huge financial impact on many buy-to-let landlords, with large numbers of tenants currently unable to pay their rent. OnTheMarket looks at how buy-to-let landlords can stay in control of their situation during lockdown. What if my tenant can’t pay their rent because of coronavirus?     If your tenant is unable to […]

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These first-time buyers moved home during lockdown

Read about their story.

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Tips from Homes Under the Hammer’s Martin Roberts

Get stuck in!

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