Estate Agents In York

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Why you should plant trees in square holes | James Wong

Change the way you dig and you’ll grow better, stronger trees

Planting a tree is one of the easiest ways you can make a lasting difference to your local environment and, depending on the species, enjoy decades of flowers, fruit and autumn colour – all in return for a modest outlay and a few minutes’ work.

Although putting a tree in the ground might not sound like rocket science, in recent decades scientific research has overhauled much of the traditional wisdom about planting saplings, including some ideas that sound a little strange. So, let me explain why science proves that it’s better to plant trees in square holes.

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from Home And Garden | The Guardian

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The last nasturtiums hold the key to spring planting | Allan Jenkins

The tenacious flowers still face off against December’s cold days, so it’s time to plan for next year’s long campaign of colour

It seems barely possible. Kala’s nasturtiums are literally clinging on into December. They have again colonised her neighbours’ fence, clambering over the top, reaching down to the ground, some stems around 12ft long. Even though the residents have repelled the invaders more than once. To no avail. Their wall is a cascade of orange vitality. Until a sustained heavy frost, at least.

The allotment is situated higher up, at the top of Hampstead Heath. Sheltered in a scoop, entirely surrounded by tall trees, it is capable of holding in heat and cold. There, most nasturtiums have already succumbed. Carcasses of frost-twisted tendrils and red petals are curled on the ground. At the other end of the plot, some late-sown climbers from the Higgledy Garden shop are climbing still – light on flower, heavy on leaf. In the morning, they catch the dew like water lilies waiting for a frog.

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from Property | The Guardian

The last nasturtiums hold the key to spring planting | Allan Jenkins

The tenacious flowers still face off against December’s cold days, so it’s time to plan for next year’s long campaign of colour

It seems barely possible. Kala’s nasturtiums are literally clinging on into December. They have again colonised her neighbours’ fence, clambering over the top, reaching down to the ground, some stems around 12ft long. Even though the residents have repelled the invaders more than once. To no avail. Their wall is a cascade of orange vitality. Until a sustained heavy frost, at least.

The allotment is situated higher up, at the top of Hampstead Heath. Sheltered in a scoop, entirely surrounded by tall trees, it is capable of holding in heat and cold. There, most nasturtiums have already succumbed. Carcasses of frost-twisted tendrils and red petals are curled on the ground. At the other end of the plot, some late-sown climbers from the Higgledy Garden shop are climbing still – light on flower, heavy on leaf. In the morning, they catch the dew like water lilies waiting for a frog.

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from Home And Garden | The Guardian

What to consider when searching for a home in a new area Nottingham Estate Agents

Packing up and relocating to another city, or, for that matter, to another country, is a major undertaking. RE/MAX London offers advice.  It is imperative to do necessary research and weigh up all the options before making the final decision. Whether you are emigrating or moving within the UK, there are essential aspects that should be assessed in every […]

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Dreaming of a green Christmas: make your own sustainable tree

Upcycled bike wheels, shredded magazines and papier-mâché baubles… We challenged three eco-minded creators to design a festive tree – with spectacular results

Sustainability and seasonality are two guiding principles in the work of Kent-based stylist Hannah Bullivant. “I don’t want to create pretty things that then end up in landfill. I don’t want to add to that problem,” she explains. Her work – which encompasses event styling, creative workshops and interior styling projects – wholeheartedly embraces the storied and the secondhand. So, when asked to create a sustainable tree, she immediately headed outside.

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from Property | The Guardian

Dreaming of a green Christmas: make your own sustainable tree

Upcycled bike wheels, shredded magazines and papier-mâché baubles… We challenged three eco-minded creators to design a festive tree – with spectacular results

Sustainability and seasonality are two guiding principles in the work of Kent-based stylist Hannah Bullivant. “I don’t want to create pretty things that then end up in landfill. I don’t want to add to that problem,” she explains. Her work – which encompasses event styling, creative workshops and interior styling projects – wholeheartedly embraces the storied and the secondhand. So, when asked to create a sustainable tree, she immediately headed outside.

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from Home And Garden | The Guardian

We need to learn how to relax, without guilt

Being busy all the time is part of the way we live. But, whether gardening, reading or spacing out on the sofa, taking time to rest is just as important

I’m not very good at resting. When I told friends that after writing books covering emotions, time perception and the psychology of money I had started writing one on rest, their first reaction was usually, “But you’re always working. You never rest!”

More generally, if someone asks me how things are going, my stock answer is, “Fine, busy, too busy really.” But while this claim feels true of my life, how much is it also a claim to status? If you say you are busy, then it implies you’re important, you’re in demand. As the time-use researcher Jonathan Gershuny puts it, busyness has become “a badge of honour”.

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from Property | The Guardian